Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland
Wasaarada Horumarinta Caafimaadka
Republic of Somaliland
Ministry of Health Development
About Us

Best Medical Care For Yourself and Your Children

Our Drives & Objectives

VISION: Our vision for the MAS Children’s Hospital is to develop a center of excellence and provide free healthcare in the region. We have always held the notion that sick children should be cared for by trained pediatricians providing quality care. We will continue to strive to achieve this endeavor.
MISSION: Committed to providing excellent healthcare every day.

Our Core Values

We are determined to provide a welcoming atmosphere to our patients and their family. We also acknowledge and work to sustain positive relationships with our staff, suppliers, and other healthcare Partner organizations.
We encourage our staff to advance their careers, and we are completely dedicated to updating employee career files and empowering them to use their new skills to help us achieve our organization's objectives.

We recognize that each child is unique and has unique needs. We therefore monitor and follow them individually and are keen at identifying risk factors and take time to advise each parent accordingly.

We provide the highest-quality services in a safe and child-friendly each surroundings for children of all ages as part of our patient-focused fundamental principle.

We strive to adhere to international standards and provide the best possible quality service throughout all of our operations.


A Brief Background of The Institution

The non-profit MAS Children Teaching Hospital, named after Dr. Mohamed Aden Sheikh and built on behalf of the hospital by the non-lucrative Italian association MAS CHT onlus, opened its doors to the public on January 29th, 2013.

Dr. Aden was consistently committed to humanitarian efforts across the entire country, working to encourage the return of Somali professionals, particularly doctors, who, like himself, had been compelled to flee and desired to go back in order to help their own country.

Dr. Mohamed Aden Sheikh, who was originally from south-central Somalia, spent his final years working to see health facilities built in the north (Somaliland) as a reward for the peace and stability that have ruled Somaliland for the past three decades, especially in the country's capital, Hargeisa. Dr. Aden passed away in 2010. May Allah grant him among the highest levels of Jannah and give patience to all his family and friends. We pray that Allah will forgive his shortcomings, fill his grave with noor (light), and grant him Jannah-tul Firdous.

MAS-CTH is located next to the existing Somaliland’s biggest public hospital and behind the ministry of health development, the building structure of the hospital combines a modern European concept of hospital with Somali cultural and construction peculiarities. The pediatric facility within the initial module, which occupied 1,300 square meters, provided inpatient, outpatient, laboratory, pharmacy, kitchen, canteen, laundry, guesthouse, and other services. Giorgio Rosental and his architectural team designed the architectural drawings for the facilities in collaboration with FRED.

The Mohamed Aden Sheikh Teaching Hospital also represents an example of collaboration between local institutions and international intermediaries in the fight against socioeconomic decay in the country.

Under the leadership of the country's current president, His Excellency Muse Bihi Abdi, the nation's sole public children's hospital was expanded in 2021 to serve both the country's five million citizens and the larger Somali community living in the surrounding regions. Construction is currently ongoing on the two-floor inpatient building that has been added to MAS-CTH by the Ministry of Health Development.

The hospital started off as an outpatient facility over a decade ago with only two doctors working a few hours a day. Today, we have 15 general practitioners, the majority of whom are seniors, 8 specialists, and 5 resident doctor specializing in pediatrics.

As a result of the dedication of our committed team of administrative, medical doctors, nurses, and other staff members, we have seen continuous development since it opened. In exactly 10 years, we recently achieved one of MASCTH's goals by admitting and treating more than 100,000 children. 

We are committed to providing personalized, high-quality care for every child in Somaliland and all surrounding Somali regions, right from birth all the way to young adulthood.

We are committed to providing individualized, high-quality care to every child in Somaliland and neighboring Somali regions from birth to early adulthood, keeping in mind that we must perform excellently as we are carrying the legacy of one of the world's most well-known doctors of Somali origin who devoted his entire life to humanitarian activities, Dr. Aden.

As the MAS-CTH director, I feel extremely delighted to express my appreciation to all those who contributed to the establishment of such a significant institution that provides free, excellent care for all children in our area. I must also congratulate and thank Dr. Piero Abbruzzese for his ten-year commitment to enhancing every aspect of the hospital. 

We could not continue to expand and improve without the continuous support of the Marco Berry non-profit organization and, in particular, the La Stampa Foundation-Specchio dei Tempi, and the professionals in Turin (Italy) who are in memory of Mohamed Aden Sheikh.

Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Jiciir 

Director of MAS-CT Hospital 

Telephone: +2524844868

Email: director@maschildrenhospital.com




Meet Our Director

Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Jiciir


Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Jiciir is a general practitioner who also continues to work as a public health administrator. In 2015, he received a Bachelor's Degree in Medicine and Surgery from Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, one of the most prestigious medical colleges in the People's Republic of China, and subsequently a Postgraduate Degree in Public Health. He then went into health care administration and management.


He worked as a doctor in various private and government-funded hospitals, as well as having a managerial role in Salahley's regional referral hospital for a significant period of time. Prior to being appointed director of MAS-CTH, he also worked with a large number of international non-governmental organizations, among them the IOM, MIDA Finnsom, and the Al-Khair Foundation. Ever since, he has served as the director of Mohamed Aden Sheikh Childre's Teaching Hospital in Somaliland's Ministry of Health and Development.


He is currently the director, and he has made significant contributions to the MAS-CTH practice's vision and practice standards. He is a driven, methodical, results-oriented professional with an entrepreneurial spirit who has a solid track record in public health administration and development initiatives. He is also responsible for overseeing quality care and efficient processes.


Message from the Hospital Director


On behalf of MAS Children's Teaching Hospital, we are delighted to extend a warm welcome to you. It is incredibly enjoyable to look back on history and witness the thousands of happy faces since this hospital has been providing pediatric healthcare for more than ten years. At every level, providing high-quality healthcare services has been a priority over the years. Our main objective is to provide each individual with the best care possible.

We foster, promote, and practice high-quality, moral, evidence-based medicine at MAS Hospital. The team is dedicated to providing excellent hospitality and services.

Our medical, administrative, and support staff are a highly skilled and dedicated group. MAS Hospital is considered one of the top children's hospitals in the country thanks to its outstanding medical staff, superior medical care, and forward-thinking innovation.

Plans are being made to continuously expand and enhance the hospital's services and clinics, including both curative and preventive healthcare applications. To accommodate the increased needs of our patient base, we are constantly growing the practice. We want to make clear the operations of our hospitals as well as the plans and strategies for development that will enable them to stay up with all advancements in the medical industry. Through this website, we hope to shed light on the activities of our hospitals as well as the development plans and strategies that will allow them to keep up with all medical advancements. As always, we strive to improve your care and service. I'd like to invite you to take a closer look at our services and provide feedback.


As usual, we want to give you better care and service. I'd like to extend an invitation for you to learn more about our offerings and provide feedback. We will make every effort to provide you with the pediatrics services you require.


We look forward to meeting the health care needs of your current and future newborns.

Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Jiciir 

Director of MAS-CT Hospital 

Telephone: +2524844868

Email: director@maschildrenhospital.com



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MAS Children’s Teaching Hospital

Road No 2, Behind MOH, Hargeisa



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